Monday, December 1, 2014

A-B Sequence

The A-B sequence is kind of like a double six shot sequence; the hard part is framing each shot so as to avoid jump-cuts. Each of the usual six shots must be used at least twice throughout, but more may be captured to avoid jump-cuts. 
Keeping this in mind, I can go into my next video prepared with extra shots ready to capture. I must remember that two of any shot back-to-back make a jump-cut.
Collaboration is a fundamental part of all these video projects, as I am clearly not portrayed in these videos, but rather someone else is acting. Collaboration is, in a word, teamwork. Each of us agreed on how we would capture our shots and how we would act in them. Which is redundant; you'll see the same explanation in the blog posts of the others who conduct this same project.

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