Thursday, May 19, 2016

Animation Reflection 2015-16

What I learned
I've learned a lot about the MAYA software, 3D modeling and rendering, as well as utilizing the Adobe suite to create and alter animations. I also learned that I can apply video effects through it, and will likely continue to use that skill.

How I learned it
Essentially, a lot of instruction, tutorials, and trial and error. I still have more learning to do, actually.

Its importance
Animation has many forms in media today, and being able to create in more than one form is useful to the industry and appealing to possible employers. Animation is a growing industry, and as such, it is becoming a more competitive one as well. It pays to have skill, literally.

My strengths and weaknesses
I honestly have very low self-esteem, so I can't really list strengths when I doubt I have any. My weaknesses are numerous and include being bad at following deadlines, as well as just generally being a slow worker. I know I've improved my knowledge base and skillset from last year, but I'm still needing to improve my work ethic and motivation.

How I will use my learning
I will continue to pursue education throughout high school and learn more, so that I may use it in the future for careers or as a hobby. I will be able to assist people who need it, if asked.

What I would change
I would maybe extend deadlines, given that I would mostly complete projects but then not finish because a new project came along.

In short
The classroom environment is low-stress, and I have a lot of friends in the course. I've become more proficient since last year, but not much faster. I have things to work on, and I have things I'm good at.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Final: Business Cards

The project scope was basically window shopping this professional business card site for a nice layout style and employing it in our own original cards. The first had to have an original pattern, the second required a photograph.

So, after having trolled for some 80 minutes, and with some guidance, I found a few appealing layouts. Two of them got scrapped in the decision-making process, and the last, shown below, was my final choice.

Pictured above is the template "Circuit Training," chosen for its repeating sides. I captured that with my pattern card:

And here it is. The pattern on this card is horizontal rather than vertical.

It's harder to notice than I expected, but this card does have a white border. Based on this:
I liked the vertical layout, with the large logo and use of space.