Monday, May 18, 2015

Stellar Co. Collaboration Reflection

The instruction given for this project was to come up with a product to market and advertise. We were to have a company website, a commercial, coupon, ad, and animation.

Our product is Space Specs, the newest form of telescope technology. Telescopic glasses. We came up with a bunch of random product ideas at first, including an aerosol force field and complimentary removal kit, but we settled on this one. Mainly because it was the most realistic idea we had, since there definitely won't be any aerosol force fields for decades to come.

We did a few initial sketches of the product that really didn't look that good, and we had already decided on the buttons and functions of the product.

I was responsible for the group's animation, and coupon, and I also assisted in website revisions. However, I was not responsible for the website, product, packaging or final video draft, therefore I will not talk about them in detail.
The animation was rather time-consuming, mainly due to the necessity of all the other components involved: product, packaging and typography. I did have to work around several difficulties. One was dealing with components, another was positioning the text produced by another member. The former was an easy fix involving an explosion, the latter was a bit more complicated, causing me to seek authoritative assistance. In the end it turned out well.

Our coupon was pretty easy to make, all I really had to do was Photoshop some logos and text into it, and then make a free bar code that I pasted into it. Our offer on the coupon is more unique than others: we not only had a BOGO offer, but another 2 pairs of Space Specs at half price.
My edit of the video was not the final cut we settled on. Even I don't think it was as good as the one we agreed upon.

Looking back, I really think we should have gone with that aerosol force field. I feel that this project could have been ten times more humorous than it was, and humor is something that everyone likes in a commercial. Like that Progressive commercial: "I didn't turn your daughter into a rooster, she just looks like that." "Burn the witch!" And those Geico commercials lately. Humor would have made the project better, but that doesn't mean it wasn't good as is. I believe we did a great job.